Photo of Alma Aguilar Banda Mexico

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MY NAME IS ALMA, SOY Tapatia and craftsmen since 1993 .... ALL STARTED AS A GAME, THEN I like to make bracelets and necklaces with LA Chaquira SIMPRO HAD AN UNCLE IN A BOX, he began to teach WRISTBANDS TO LETTERS AND FLORESITAS, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ON VACATION AND COMENSE TO GO TO TIANGUIS and little by little I know several materials (seeds, stones, different threads )...... SLOWLY began to grow in this art, ,,,,,,,, ,,,.........

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MY NAME IS ALMA, SOY Tapatia and craftsmen since 1993 .... ALL STARTED AS A GAME, THEN I like to make bracelets and necklaces with LA Chaquira SIMPRO HAD AN UNCLE IN A BOX, he began to teach WRISTBANDS TO LETTERS AND FLORESITAS, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ON VACATION AND COMENSE TO GO TO TIANGUIS and little by little I know several materials (seeds, stones, different threads )...... SLOWLY began to grow in this art, ,,,,,,,, ,,,...... TAUGHT ME TO WORK THE ROPE FACINANTE MADE ME .... STILL TO DATE WITH MY CRAFTS FACINANTE ,,,,, HE traveling, meeting people, PLACES, MANY MANY THINGS,, ,,,, WITHOUT A FIFTH DAWN AND WITH A FEW COINS ANOCHESER ,,,,, AND NOT THE MONEY IS NOT IMPORTANT TO THE PEOPLE YOU LIKE MY WORK ..... MY FAMILY,,,, did not believe IN MY .... ... A pet peeve with TELL ME HOW THAT WAS CRAZY ... WHAT EVER THAT WITH ME HIBA A TIME TO PAY ....... KEEP MY SCHOOL AND PAY MY INCOME (AND ALL IT TAKES )........... SO SHE LEARNED TO RESPECT AND THAT IS THE BEST !!!!..... And here I am STILL CREATING AND BUILDING .... I HOPE YOU LIKE MY CRAFT. ... I CAN NOT SAY I AM THAT I AM THE ORIGINAL OR BETTER ,,,,,, ,,,,, NO TRUTH BUT WHAT IS THAT ALL AND EVERY ONE OF MY WORK IS DONE WITH MUCH LOVE! I thank you for reading ....!!! !

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